What is the Mi Smarts program?
- 6 weeks of video content, including an introduction to the Mi Smarts theory alongside creative activities where your child will get to explore each of the different Smart characters.
- Every week your child will have the opportunity to delve into approximately an hour worth of content. Your child may choose to do the creative activities alongside me, or by themselves at a later stage. The Mi Smarts program has been designed so that your child is able to work at their own pace.
- Introductions to each Smart character
- Two x creative activities per 'Smart'
- One story time/ colouring in class per 'Smart'
- And a few extras!
What will my child need to participate?
- All your child will need is a quiet private space alongside some simple art supplies and access to a computer.
- Before commencing, your child will need paper, some drawing/painting materials of their choice - some sticky tape and scissors. There is no obligation to go out and get a whole new art kit! Each program is largely based on the process as opposed to the outcome of the creative piece.
Will I need to help my child with the activities?
- That is completely up to you and them! The Mi Smarts program is for children aged 4-8. That being said, any child of any age can participate. Programs can be modified for every child as every child will respond to it in their own unique way.
What if my child only wants to explore one or some of the characters?
- At this stage, the Mi Smarts program is largely about embracing each of the Smarts. This is in order for your child to gain more understanding about their personal journey. At the end of the 6 weeks - if your child would like to explore one or more of the Smarts further, I will be offering one on one online sessions so that your child can continue expanding on those discoveries.
Does my child need to be "good" at art in order to do the program?
- In my opinion, everyone on this planet can draw or paint - especially when it comes to the Mi Smarts program! There is no right or wrong way to approach this and there are no such things as mistakes here!
What will happen when I sign up my child?
- Once you have purchased the Mi Smarts program, you will be sent a document with more information. This will give you instructions on how to login to each class and from there you will be able to go straight to the Mi Smarts Classroom and begin the journey.
Let the exploration of Mi Smarts sets your child's mind and heart free!